I’m a software engineer curious about how we can build better software. I enjoy solving challenging problems with technology. Sometimes I speak at conferences and write articles.

I’ve spent a lot of time exploring how to make complex software more correct and manageable with functional programming and static types. This drive has led me to deep dive into formal methods to build a better intuition of what it means to create more reliable software.

I’m pursuing a Master’s degree in Formal Methods at UPM, UCM, and UAM. I also work as a tech lead at Stack Builders where I lead teams to turn ideas into pragmatic and scalable implementations with various programming languages, including Haskell and TypeScript.

My expertise lies in software testing and functional programming for web development. I have a strong understanding of how to leverage type systems to create robust APIs and write expressive and reliable tests that only fail for useful reasons. Additionally, I have a passion for debugging and I’m always willing to put in the effort to solve even the most obscure bugs.

More importantly, I care deeply about cultivating an inclusive culture of respect that encourages growth. I find joy in mentoring and helping engineers’ careers thrive.

Find me on Github, Twitter and LinkedIn.