Solving Keyboard Mnemonics with SAT Solvers in TypeScript

This post explores using SAT solvers to assign unique keyboard mnemonics to menu options. By framing the problem as a Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT), we efficiently ensure that each option has a unique mnemonic.

Live Variable Analysis

Live Variable Analysis is a data-flow analysis used in compilers to determine the variables that are still in use at a certain point in a program's execution. Here is an implementation in Haskell.

What I've Learned About Syncing Calendar Events

Recently I've been exploring how to add events automatically to calendars. Here you can find a few resources to add events to your users' calendars through Google's API or iCalendar events.

Career Ladders: Promoting a Culture of Equality

Career ladders provide clarity and transparency to organizations. Everybody, not just women and minorities, benefits from clear evaluation and promotion procedures. Here is a list of publicly available career ladders that might help you to create one.

My MacOS Setup with Ansible

A set of Ansible playbooks to setup, configure, and maintain my Mac. These playbooks take most of the effort out of configuring everything manually while keeping track of any changes.

Announcing harvest-overtime ⏰

Command-line interface to calculate employee's overtime with Harvest's CSV reports. This tool provides the information to calculate overtime pay correctly.

Quito Crime Map

An interactive crime map of Quito that shows the crime rate by category and year as reported by Policía Nacional del Ecuador. Data was collected from "Datos Abiertos", the official government site for open government.

Novel Dataset for Interactive Segmentation Evaluation

We present a novel seed-based user input dataset that extends the well-known GrabCut dataset and the Geodesic Star convexity dataset. Here, user inputs are provided by means of two sets of scribbles that reflect two degrees of user effort.

The Problem of Evaluating Interactive Segmentation

Despite some significant advances and extensive research, the selection of interactive segmentation algorithms is still a challenging task because people incorporate some semantic considerations that lead to more than one acceptable solution.

Supervised Evaluation of Seed-Based Interactive Image Segmentation Algorithms

In this paper, we present an objective and empirical evaluation of seed-based interactive segmentation algorithms. We first compare popular metrics that are employed in image-segmentation evaluations in order to define which one reflects most accurately the performance of segmentation algorithms. Then, in the aim of presenting reproducible results, we introduce a novel seed-based user input dataset that extends the well-known GrabCut dataset. Finally, we evaluate and contrast four state-of-the-art interactive segmentation algorithms.

Communication System Simulation

This program simulates a basic communication system with MATLAB. This simulation not only plots BER curves, but it also calculates performance metrics such as probability of error (Pe) and bit error rate (BER).